Feb 7th 2020
Set 1: Raphael Roter/ Bea Labikova/ Claire Yunjin Lee
Set 2: Paul Newman/ Dan Pitt/ Maggie Keogh
Set 3 Dimitar Pentchev/ Michael Palumbo/ Brittany Craig
Set 4: MJ Wright/Sterling MacKenzie/Aiden Hughes
Feb 7th 2020
Set 1: Raphael Roter/ Bea Labikova/ Claire Yunjin Lee
Set 2: Paul Newman/ Dan Pitt/ Maggie Keogh
Set 3 Dimitar Pentchev/ Michael Palumbo/ Brittany Craig
Set 4: MJ Wright/Sterling MacKenzie/Aiden Hughes
Sadly the video didn’t work for this audiopollination
Set 1 Diane Roblin/ Jeff Luciani (Drums)/ Jaime Redford (flute, piano, voice)
Set 2 Emjay Wright/ Curtis Whittaker
Set 3 Arnd Jurgensen/ Rebecca Gray
Set 4: Brian Abbot – Guitar / Leslie Ting – Violin / Tomasz Krakowiak – perc.
15th of September 2019
Set 1: Rod Campbell trumpet/ MJ Wright (percussion)/ Aaron Corbett (modular synths)
Set 2: Curtis Whittaker/ Esin Gunduz (voice), Michael Palumbo
Set 3: James Bailey/Ryan Kinney (guitar)
Danielle Fernandes (saxophone)
Set 4: 3M – Esin Gunduz, Germaine Liu, Mark Zurawinski, Michael Lynn