Visiting italian musicians Paolo Gaiba Riva and Francesco Zedde are playing 3 sets with Toronto local and the final set as a noise duo (event art by Jamie Thompson)
set 1:Paolo Gàiba Riva/ Mira Martin-gray/ William Davison
set 2: Francesco Zedde / James Beardmore (electronics) / David Jones
set 3:Paolo Gàiba Riva / Francesco Zedde/ Brian Abbot (guitar) / MJ Wright (percussion)
set 4 Paolo Gàiba Riva and Francesco Zedde
A combo made up of two mentally deviated italians.
Francesco Zedde (aka Tonto and Tacet Tacet Tacet) and Paolo Gàiba Riva (aka PGR).
their sound combine both the digital big, heavy and sometimes uncontrollable sound of a home made circuit bended no input device and the dynamic and rawer one of contact mic-ing his own arse and other more or less clear places.
Paolo Gaiba Riva:
Francesco Zedde on Percussion:
on electronics: